Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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two (counting)
Cult. This is the common counting form (saa, duwa, telu, ...), and is often used with young children.
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (, Two (
Eng. 02; two (counting)
Online dict status: r
Usage level: B
(daruwa, rdpC-a-) two (counting)
Gramm. sometimes used as the counting form, although duwa is more common
Eng. 02; two (counting)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (, Two (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: B
(daruwa, rdpC-a-) two (adjective)
Seini iyan sika se egkagamit te pegseel te me butang ne keilangan ta ne egkatuenan ke pila a ne buuk.
Daruwa ne simana ka peggimeley ne imbehey kanami te iskuylaan.
We are given two weeks' semestral break by the school.
Eng. two (adjective); double
Tag. dalawá
Ceb. dúha
Ilo.: dúwa
Tigwanon: daduwa
Binukid: daduwa
WBM: dezuwa
Ilianen: derewa
Dibabawon: dadua
Cotabato Manobo: duwa
Tagbawa: duwa
Tasaday: duwa
Sarangani: dowa
Cagayano: darwa
Kinamigin: daruwa
Obo: ʔaruwa
Proto: (da)duwa
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (, Two (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: B

(igkaruwa/igkarangeb, igkA-) second or next
Ka seini ne lalag iyan ka igkarangeb ne numiru puun te an-anayan.
Ka igkaruwa ne selida kangkuwa su busew.
The next showing later will be a horror movie.
Eng. second; next
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Ordinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
(igkararuwa, igkA-rdpC-a-) second or next
Igkararuwe e te in-alam te talagpanulu ney su warè ku nakumplitu ka me himu ku.
I am only second placer among the top students because my projects are incomplete.
Gramm. igkA is prefixed to daruwa
Eng. second; next
Tag. ikalawá
Ceb. ikaduha
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Ordinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(kararuwa, kA-rdpC-a-) twice
Kararuwa a migkeen te iglem-ag.
I ate breakfast twice.
Gramm. kA- is prefixed to daruwa
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Number of times (
Eng. twice; two times
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(tigdaruwa, tig-) in groups of two or two each
Ka tigdaruwa iyan ka lalag meyitenged te senge sukub[/nekey ka seenge sukub?] wey ke senge parisan naa, wey egkaayunan degma ka sabeka ne grupu/punduk ne migmasugsuwayey ne tigsenge sukub sikandan. Egkaayunan degma te seini ne lalag ka egpababaarey te minsan nekey ne tigsenge parisan naa wey ke tigsenge sukub naa sikandan ka eg-angken te sabeka ne timman wey ke punduk naa.
Ka igkeupiì tigdaruwa kew te anak.
What I want is that each of you must have only two children.
Tigdaruwa ka impanalad ku
I divided and give two in each group
Gramm. tig- is prefixed to daruwa
Eng. pair; twosome; group of two; two each
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Numbered group (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M

(indaruwa, iN-rdpC-a-) two
Gramm. iN- is prefixed to daruwa
Gramm. This affix indicates an excess of what is required
Eng. two (excess)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(ikaruwa, ikA-) the day after tomorrow
Ikaruwa key pad egligkat ki Aliks su warè pad seleppì ney ne igpliti te unturanan.
We will leave on the day after tomorrow because we don't have money yet for our fare.
Ikaruwa bu pad ka kasal ni Riki su warè mem pad migginguma ka eg-asaween din.
Ricky's wedding will be the day after tomorrow perhaps because the bridesmaid has not yet arrived.
Eng. day after tomorrow; second day after today; two days' time, in
Tag. sa makalawá
Ceb. sunod ugma; sunod nga adlaw
Ilo.: ínton maminsan
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
(nararuan, nA><an-rdpCV-a) the day before yesterday
Ka seini ne lalag iyan ka aldew ne migsinundulan te gabii ne aldew. Iyan man-e seini ka igkatelu ne aldew ne miglihad ligkat kuntee.
Gramm. nA><an- is affixed to daruwa
Gramm. not nararuwa:n. This appears not to be a predictable morphophonemic change
Seeyè pad te nararuan migginguma si Bibi ka migleuy keddì puun te Balinsiya.
Bibi arrived here two days ago to visit me.
Eng. day before yesterday; two days ago
Tag. kamakalawá
Ceb. niadtong unang adlaw
Ilo.: idí namínsan
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M
(igkaruween, igkA><en-) two days before or after
Gramm. this is not relative to today
Eng. two days before or after
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(kararuan, kA><an-rdpCV-a) two nights (and intervening days) in the future
Kararuan e riyè
I will be there for only two nights
Gramm. used only with reference to travelling or staying in a place
Gramm. kA><an- is affixed to daruwa
Gramm. not kararuwa:n. This appears not to be a predictable morphophonemic change
Eng. two nights (future)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Day (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
(nararuan, nA><an-rdpCV-a) two nights (and intervening days) in the past
Nararuan e riyè
I was there for only two nights
Gramm. used only with reference to travelling or staying in a place
Gramm. nA><an- is affixed to daruwa
Gramm. not nararuwa:n. This appears not to be a predictable morphophonemic change
Eng. two nights (past)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Day (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(kararuween, kA><en-rdpCV-a) double
Kararuween ka lawa rin kunterè te keddì.
His body will be twice as big compared my body.
Eng. double; twice as big; twice as much; twice as many; twice the size; twice the amount
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Multiples (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M
for a number or quantity (egkararuween, actor, egkA><en-rdpCV-a) to become twice as much
Egkararuween ku ka karakel te bayad nu.
I will double the amount of your payment.
Eng. double; twice as big; twice as much; twice as many; twice the size; twice the amount
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Multiples (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: R
for someone (egpadaruwa, agent, egpA><ø-rdpCV-a) to multiply a number or quantity (egpadaruween, patient, egpA><en-rdpCV-a) by two
Eng. multiply by two; double, to
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Multiply numbers (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for someone (egkaruwa-ruwa, actor, egkA><ø-rdpRT-) to have doubts
Iyan seini ka kenè[keneg kasabeka se geynawa] egkaamin se suman-suman wey geyinawa meyitenged te eggimuwen din iling te eggipanew, eglipereng, egkeen wey minsan nekey pad ne eggimuwen. Egkeyitabu ka iling due tenged te eggeramen din ne kenè egpekeiling te maheteng ne peggeramgeram[suman-suman] din iling te egkasasew sikandin, tigkew due ne migmasakit ka geyinawa rin, wey ke due ne ingkapanseb tenged te me palinneu ne narineg wey ke naheram din naa iling te egkutel ne limuken.
Egkaruwa-ruwa a ne egduma kaniyu su migmasakit ka geyinawa ku ganna.
I'm not sure to come with you because I was troubled earlier.
Eng. second thoughts, have; have second thoughts; waver; unsure, be; hesitate; vacillate; hum and hah; doubt; change mind; pause; reluctant; indecisive
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Confused (, Language and thought (3)
Online dict status: c; c
Usage level: M
for someone (egduwa-ruwa, migduwa-ruwa/induwa-ruwa, actor, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to be unsure of doing something
Eng. second thoughts, have; have second thoughts; waver; unsure, be; hesitate; vacillate; sway; hum and hah; doubt; change mind; pause; reluctant; indecisive
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Confused (, Language and thought (3)
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M

Created: 15/Jun/2009
Last updated: 13/Jul/2015

Links to phrasebook

"nararuan" in text "Uras"

"ikaruwa" in text "Uras"

"kararuwa" in text "Pegseel"

Links to health books

"kararuwa" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"kararuwa" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

Links to songbook

"egduwa-ruwa" in song "Ka pegbuut te Manama"

"egduwa-ruwa" in song "Egsalig ki te Manama"