Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, conj.
Def.: pegkeimpus te; pegkapenga te
MS: pegkeimpus te; pegkapenga te
If something happens after another thing, it happens later than that thing.
I'll meet you after school.
Egpakiglambag a keykew pegkeimpus te klasi.
After boiling the mixture for 5 minutes, pour it into a bowl.

Def.: egsinundul
MS: egsinundul
If someone or something moves after someone or something else, they follow that other person or thing.
I went first, and she walked after me.
Miggun-a a, wey migsinundul sikandin.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; conjunctions; GSL0076-0100
Status: ready

Last updated: 12/Mar/2013