yabyab 1. v. to hunt for something (e.g. water) v. to hunt 2. vi. to collapse (e.g. an unnailed wall)
yahung-yahung n. indian hydocotyle
yamyam v. to say an evil prayer to someone else that the (bad) event(s) that happened were a result of their own (evil) deeds
yangyang v. to tease or jeer at someone else v. to be insincere to someone
yansan adj. mature v. to become mature (e.g., ready for married or for fighting for the roaster) adj. someone who is old but has not been married
yantas n. spokes–small radiating bars inserted in the hub
yayeg vi. to be done bit by bit
yayung n. v. to carry someone or something with a stretcher a stretcher
yekyek 1. n. whooping cough 2. v. to cause someone to have a whooping caugh
yenget 1. adj. crisis point of situation 2. adj. complicated; complex
yewyew vi. to waggle their tongue at someone or something
yuggu n. a yoke (for harness) v. to put a yoke to carabao
yuhuv Variant of yuggu n. a yoke (for harness) v. to put a yoke to carabao