table n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4.
tail n-ct.
tailor n-ct.
take vt. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. vt. 5. vt. 6. vt. 7. vt. 8.
taken vt.
talk vi. 1. v-recip. 2. n-ct. 3. n-uc. 4. n-ct. 5.
tall adj. 1. adj. 2.
tame .
tap .
tape n-uc. 1. vt. 2. n-ct. 3. vt. 4.
target n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3. n-ct. 4.
task n-ct.
taste n-ct. 1. vi. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. n-uc. 5.
tattoo n-ct. vt. 1.
taught vt.
tax n-uc, n-ct. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3.
taxi n-ct.
tea .
teach vt. 1. vt. 2.
teacher n-ct.
team n.
tear1 vt. 1. n-ct. 2.
tear2 n-ct.
technical adj. 1. adj. 2. adj. 3. Subentry: non-technical adj. Subentry: technicality
technique n-ct. 1. n-uc. 2.
technology n-uc. Subentry: technological adj.
teeth n-pl.
telephone n-uc. 1. vt. 2.
tell vt. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. vi, vt(+prep). 4.
temper .
temperature n-ct.
temple n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
temporary adj.
tempt vt. Subentry: temptation n-uc. n-ct.
tend1 vt.
tend2 vi. Subentry: tendency n-ct.
tender adj.
tense1 n-ct.
tense2 adj. 1. adj. 2. adj. 3.
tension n-uc. 1. n-uc. 2. n-uc. 3.
tent .
term1 n-ct. 1. vt. 2.
term2 n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
terminate v. 1.
terms n-pl. 1. n-pl. 2.
terrible adj.
test vt. 1. vt. 2. n-ct. 3. vt. 4. n-ct. 5. vt. 6. n-ct. 7.
testify vi. 1. vt(+prep). 2.
testimony n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. n-ct. 3.
text n-ct, n-uc. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3.
than conj, prep.
thank vt. Subentry: thanks n-pl.
that det, pron. 1. det, pron. 2. pron. 3. det. 4. pron-rel. 5. conj. 6.
the det. 1. det. 2. det. 3.
theme n-ct.
then pron, adv. 1. adv. 2. adv. 3. Subentry: if...then
theory n-ct. 1. n-uc. 2. Subentry: theoretical adj.
there pron. 1. adv, pron. 2. adv, pron. 3.
thereby adv.
therefore conj.
these det, pron. 1. pron, det. 2.
thesis n-ct.
they pron.
thick adj. 1. adj. 2. adj. 3. adj. 4. adj. 5.
thicken .
thief n-ct.
thigh n-ct.
thin adj. 1. adj. 2. adj. 3.
thing n-ct.
think vi. 1. vt(+prep). 2. vt(+prep). 3. vt. 4. vt. 5.
thirst .
this det, pron. 1. det, pron. 2. pron, det. 3. det. 4.
thorn n-ct.
thorough .
those det, pron. 1. pron. 2.
though conj. See main entry: although
thought vi, vt. 1. n-uc. 2. n-ct. 3.
thoughv Variant of although conj. 1. conj. 2.
thread n-uc, n-ct.
threat .
threaten .
threw vt.
throat n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
through prep, adv. 1. prep. 2. prep. 3. prep. 4.
throw vt. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. vt. 5. vt. 6.
thrown vt.
thumb n-ct.
thunder n-uc.
thus adv. 1. adv. 2. Subentry: thus far
ticket .
tide .
tidy .
tie .
tight adj.
tighten .
till conj, prep. See main entry: until
tillv Variant of until conj, prep. 1. conj, prep. 2.
time n-uc. 1. n-ct. 2. n-ct. 3. n-ct. 4. vt. 5.
tin .
tip n-ct.
tire1 n-ct.
tire2 vt. 1. vi. 2. Subentry: tired adj. Subentry: tiring
title n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. n-ct. 3. n-ct. 4.
to prep. 1. prep. 2. prep. 3. prep. 4. infinitive. 5. infinitive. 6.
tobacco n-uc.
today adv, n-uc. 1. adv, n-uc. 2.
toe n-ct.
together adv. 1. adv. 2. adv. 3. adv. 4.
told vt,vi.
tomorrow adv.
ton .
tongue n-ct.
tonight adv.
too adv. 1. adv. 2. adv. 3.
took vt.
tool n-ct.
tooth n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
top1 n-ct. 1. adj. 2. n-ct. 3.
top2 n-ct.
topic n-ct.
tore vt.
torn vt. 1. adj. 2.
total n-ct, adj. 1. vi. 2. vt. 3. adj. 4. Subentry: totally adv.
touch vt. 1. vt. 2. n-ct, n-uc. 3. n-uc. 4. vt. 5.
tough .
tour .
toward See main entry: towards
towards prep. 1. prep. 2. prep. 3. prep. 4. prep. 5.
towardv Variant of towards prep. 1. prep. 2. prep. 3. prep. 4. prep. 5.
towel .
tower .
town n-ct.
toy n-ct.
trace n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. vt. 5. vt. 6.
track n-ct.
trade vt, v-recip. 1. v-recip. 2. n-uc. 3. vi. 4. n-ct. 5. n-ct. 6.
tradition n-ct, n-uc. Subentry: traditional adj.
train1 vi. 1. vi. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4.
train2 n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
transfer vt. 1. vi. 2. n-ct. 3.
transform vt. 1. vt. 2. Subentry: transformation n-uc, n-ct.
transit n-uc. 1. adj. 2.
transition n-ct.
transitive verb n-ct.
translate vt.
translator n-ct.
transmit v.
transport n-uc. 1. vt. 2.
trap .
travel vi. 1. vi. 2.
tray n-ct.
treasure .
treasury .
treat vt. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. vt. 4. vt. 5. n-ct. 6.
treatment n-uc. 1. n-uc, n-ct. 2. n-uc, n-ct. 3.
tree n-ct.
tremble vi.
trend n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2.
trial n-ct. 1. n-ct. 2. vt. 3. n-ct. 4. n-pl. 5.
tribe n-ct.
trick .
trigger v.
trip n-ct. 1. vi. 2. vt. 3.
trouble n-uc, n-ct. 1. n-uc. 2. n-uc. 3. vt. 4. n-uc. 5. vt. 6.
true adj. 1. adj. 2. adj. 3. Subentry: untrue adj.
trunk n-ct.
trust vt. 1. n-uc. 2.
truth n-uc. Subentry: truthful adj.
try vi. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. n-ct. 4. v-passive. 5. vt. 6.
tube n-ct.
tune n-ct.
turn vi. 1. vt. 2. vt. 3. vi. 4. n-ct. 5. vi. 6. n-ct. 7. Subentry: in turn phrase.
twist .
type1 n-ct.
type2 vt.
typhoon .