Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: keilangan ne eggimuwen puun su igpeyimu wey tenged te sitwasyun.
If you say that someone must do something, you are saying that it is necessary because you told them to do it, or because of the situation.
We must leave right now because it's getting dark.
Keilangan ki ne egligkat e kuntee su egmarusilem e.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke egpakasiguru ka te minsan nekey, minsan warè nu nakita wey narineg.
If you say that something must be the case, you are sure that it is the case even though you haven't seen or heard it.
There's nobody in the office. They must be having lunch.
Warad etew te upisina. Migmaniudtu e sikandan.
There's nobody in the office. They must have gone home.
Sem.Dom.: auxiliary verbs

Def.: keilanganen
MS: keilanganen
something that is necessary.
Tsinillas are a must here in the Philippines.
Ka me sinilas keilanganen kayi te Pilipinas.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0076-0100
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012