Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: ula-ula te minsan nekey
MS: ula-ula
The form of something is the structure of it; what it looks like.
The form of the building is like a cross.

Def.: lein ne pamaahi te ula-ula puun te minsan nekey ne egkakita
A form of something is one of the shapes or ways in which it appears.
I like to eat banana in the form of banana-cue.
Egkeupian a ne egkeen te sahing ke egsandahen.
She drank dirty water in the form of ice.
Mig-inum sikandin te malindit ne weyig ne iling te impakehal ne weyig.

Def.: egkeyimu
MS: egkeyimu
If something forms, it starts to exist.
Holes started to form on the bottoms of her shoes.
Ka me lungag egbunsud e egkeyimu diyè te diralem te sepatus din.
vi, vt.

Def.: eggimu wey ke egpangimu te minsan nekey
If people or things form something, that thing is made by them.
These rooms form the new Barangay office.
Seini ne me sinabeng eggimuwen ne iyam ne upisina te Barangay.
We formed a circle around the table.
Migpangimu key te malibusen palingut te lamisa.

Def.: klasiyan te minsan nekey
MS: klasiyan
a type or kind of thing.
She has a rare form of malaria.
Due marelag ne klasiyan te malarya ne miggeram din.

Def.: pepil ne egsulatan te kanengnenganan
MS: pepil ne egsulatan te kanengnenganan
a printed document with space to write information (e.g., an application form).

Def.: ula-ula ne kenè amana egkamelmelehan
a shape (especially a shape which you can't see very clearly).
She could see forms running through the dark street.
Nakakita sikandin te me ula-ula ne egpamalpallahuy ne kenè egkamelmelehan diyè te egmarusilem ne kelesadda.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012