Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egleuy, migleuy/inleuy, leuy, agent, eg><ø-) to go and see something (egleuyen, inleuy/migleuy/pigleuy, leuya, patient, eg><en-) e.g., used of Otto coming to look at the timber
Iyan ka pegpitew te minsan nekey ne keilangan ne egpitawen iling te sahing, baled, pinamula, kamet. Egkaayun degma ne ka pegpanumbaley diyè te lein ne inged.
Egleuy a te kamet ku su kema ke imbenesan e.
I will visit my field because it might be grassy now.
Eng. come and see; go see; see/examine; inspect; survey, to; examine; check out; visit, to; patrol, to
DDP: See (2.3.1), Examine (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egpanleuy, migpanleuy/impanleuy, panleuy, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to survey and clear a small clearing before the main time of clearing fields, in order to see if the land is ready for clearing yet (egpanleuyan, impanleuyan/migpanleuyan/pigpanleuyan, panleuyi, location, eg><an-paN-)
Ka egpanleuy iyan ka egpamitew te egkametan wey meupiya ne egpamulaan. Mesi egpakakite e te egkametan, egbunsud e egkamet te deisek ne emun ke egkutel ka limuken wey egkalenged ne kenè ne meupiya ka egkametan, egpamitew e man-e te lein taman te egpakakite e te meupiya pinaahi te kutel te limuken.
Eng. survey, to; examine, to
Cult. The limuken dove will give the signal whether or not to proceed in earnest with clearing a field.
Cult. Also used of a chicken which is full grown but not yet laying eggs.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for the hen (egpanleuy, migpanleuy/impanleuy, panleuy, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to survey its nest for laying eggs (egpanleuyan, impanleuyan/migpanleuyan/pigpanleuyan, panleuyi, location, eg><an-paN-)
Eng. survey, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 06/May/2013

Links to health books

"migleuy" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

Links to songbook

"egleuyan" in song "Sikeddi miggimu rin"