Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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we; us; ours
Mania te kenè kad iya egpampanumbaley kayi te kanami?
Why are you not spending time to visit us here?
Miggendini ka apù ku ne anak te anak ku su naalimengawan kanami.
My grandchild who is the child of my daughter came because s/he misses us.
Wrd.Gloss: we(excl); us(excl); our(excl); to_us(excl); for_us(excl)
Gramm. 1st person plural exclusive non-focus pronoun (Set III)
Eng. we(excl); us(excl)
Tag. kamí'; amin
Ceb. kami; amu
Binukid: kanay
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
Usage level: G
our (excl)
Wrd.Gloss: our(excl)
Melehen se kanami ne ula-ula te Matigsalug.
Our Matigsalug customs are difficult.
Gramm. 1st person plural exclusive possessive pronimal specifier (prepositional)
Eng. our(incl)
Tag. átin
Ceb. atò
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
ours (incl); our place
Wrd.Gloss: ours(incl)
Kenà a eg-ulì diyè te kanami su eg-eatangan a te kunterè ku.
I won't go to our place because my enemy waits to grab me.
Kanami ma sika ne sakeru.
That galoon is ours.
Gramm. 1st person plural inclusive possessive pronoun
Eng. ours(incl); our place
Tag. átin
Ceb. atò
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Last updated: 21/Dec/2011

Links to texts

"kanami" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"kanami" in text "Dreaming of being Rich"

"kanami" in text "Batting"

"kanami" in text "The Barrio Fiesta (Egsahakeen) and Castration"

"kanami" in text "Violence at Palakpakan Fiesta"

"kanami" in text "Sacrificing to Avert Sickness"

"kanami" in text "Proving Innocence II (When Accused of Adultery)"

"kanami" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Kanami" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"kanami" in text "Morning Darkness"

Links to phrasebook

"kanami" in text "Miggendiye si Pidru te baley te sabekan buyag"

Links to health books

"kanami" in healthbook "Mania te keilangan neg lu-luan ta ka me belad ta?"

"kanami" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"kanami" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

Link to Bible concordance


Links to songbook

"kanamin" in song "Malehet ne geyinawa ni Hisus"

"kanami" in song "Mabantug ka"

"kanami" in song "Meupiya ne egdumaan"

"kanami" in song "Miggeyinawaan ney"

"kanami" in song "Hisus egdayanen ku"