Def.: dè (egkahamit ke warè labet ne duma)
MS: dè
You use only to say that nothing or nobody else is included.
She was the only one who helped me.
Sikandin dè iya ka sabsabeka ne migbulig keddì.
Def.: dè (eggamiten diyè te bayew kenè dakel wey bayew kenè ne keilangan)
MS: dè
You use only if something is not very big or important, or is less than you expected.
He's only a child. He can't carry that heavy sack.
Batè dè sikandin. Kenè egpekeeleg sikandin sikat mabehat ne saku.
I asked him a question, but he didn't answer, he only smiled.
Don't worry, I'm only going to the next sitio; it's not far.
It only costs ten pesos.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0051-0075
Status: ready
Last updated: 25/Jan/2012