Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: Egkahamit seini te egpegsumpul te me lalag eyew te pegbehey te timul pad ne katahaan [kataha͡an] te eglalahen. Sengekakuwa due 'su', wey sengekakuwa degma warè.
You use be to join the subject of a sentence with more information about the subject.
I will be at home tomorrow.
Kaaselem diya a te baley.
You are a girl.
Malitan ka.
My bag is at home.
Ka baag [ba͡ag] ku su diyè te baley.

Def.: Egpangguhud seini te weil wey himu ne sasangan pad ne egkeyitabù kuntee.
If something is VERB-ing, it is happening now (be VERB-ing = present progressive tense).
It is raining.

Def.: Egkahamit seini te peglalag te himu ne inggimu e te senge etew.
If something is done, then someone or something does that thing (be PAST PARTICIPLE = passive voice).
Three pigs will be killed tomorrow.
Eggilangen kaaselem ka tatelu ne babuy.
A lot of rice is eaten here.
Dakel ne behas ka nakeen kayi.
My bike was stolen (by someone).
Irreg.  am/fb:is/fb:are, was/fb:were, been.

Links to texts

"be-be" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

Links to health books

"be-be" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

"be-be" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

"be-be" in healthbook "Egbuween wey egnguwehen si Lukas"

Links to songbook

"be-be" in song "Dawata nu Hisus"

"be-be" in song "Dawata nu Hisus"

"be-be" in song "Dawata nu Hisus"

"be-be" in song "Igkeupii te me etew"

"be-be" in song "Meupiya ka Manama"