Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. epat
Var.1: ep-at
four (counting)
Eng. 04; four (counting)
Ceb. upat
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: B
four (adjective)
Ka amey ku due hep-at ne asawa.
My father has four wives.
Eng. four (adjective)
Ceb. upat
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: B
(innep-at/innepat/in-ep-at, iN-) four (limitation)
Innep-at din te egbarut ne lebut ka binggala.
She pulled up four cassavas.
Gramm. This affix indicates limitation of the number
Data Qual: rani, what do you understand by this prefix?
Eng. four (limitation)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Cardinal numbers (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M

(igkeep-at, igke:p-at/igkahep-at, igkA-) fourth
Seini ka igkeep-at ne asawa ku.
This is my fourth wife.
Eng. fourth
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Ordinal numbers (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(keep-at, ke:p-at/kahep-at, kA-) four times
Keep-at a nekehendiyè te Dawew te seini ne leg-un.
I've been to Davao four times this year.
Keep-at a egpabetu eyew egkaaldek ka me kunterè ku.
I will fire shots into the air four times so that my enemies will be afraid.
Eng. four times
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Number of times (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(tiggep-at, tig-) in groups of four or four each
Tighep-at ki te atelug te maya ne nakita ta.
Each of us will have four of the eggs which we've found.
Eng. four, in group of; groups of four, in; four each
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Numbered group (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M

(ikeep-at, ike:p-at/ikahep-at, ikA-) in four days' time
Ikeep-at ki eggipanew diyè te Dawew.
We will go to Davao in four days' time.
Eng. four days from now; fouth day after today; in four days' time
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
(neep-atan/nahep-atan, nA><an) four days ago
Neep-atan e sikandin ka kenè egpamanihus su egtutuliyuk sikandin.
She hasn't had a bath for four days - she just washed her head like a bird.
Migginguma sikandin seeye se neep-atan.
He arrived four days ago.
Eng. four days ago; four days that have passed
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (igkeep-aten, igke:p-aten/igkahep-aten, theme, igkA><en) to be in four days' time
Igkeep-aten pad ka kasal ku sika ka egpamuhawang ki pad.
My wedding is still in four days' time - that's why we still have time to think about it.
Eng. in four days' time; four days from now; fouth day after today
OCM: Ordering of Time (805)
DDP: Yesterday, today, tomorrow (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: R

(keep-atan, ke:p-atan/kahep-atan, kA><an-) four nights (and intervening days) in the future
Keep-atan key diyè te Dawew.
We will spend four days in Davao.
Gramm. used only with reference to travelling or staying in a place
Eng. four nights (future); four days (future)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Day (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
for someone (egkeep-atan, egke:p-atan/egkahep-atan, actor, egkA><an) to be going to spend four days or nights somewhere
Egkeep-atan key diyè te Dawew.
We will spend four days in Davao.
Eng. four days (future); four nights (future)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Day (
Online dict status: r
Usage level: M
(neep-atan, ne:p-atan/nahep-atan, nA><an) four nights (and intervening days) in the past
Neep-atan key diyè te Dawew.
We spent four days in Davao.
Gramm. used only with reference to travelling or staying in a place
Eng. four days (past); four nights (past)
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Day (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for something (egkeep-at, egke:p-at/egkahep-at, theme, egkA><ø-) to become three in total or four times in size
Egkeep-at ka salual nu ke egbebeli ka asawa nu keddiey te salual.
The number of pairs of pants you have will become four if your wife buys another pair from me.
Egkeep-at ka karakelan nu ke egpangeen ka egpanamantaman.
You will become four times your size if you eat a lot.
Eng. four times the quantity
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(keep-aten, ke:p-aten/kahep-aten, kA–en) in four parts, or four times
Keep-aten ku te egbehey ka sabekan suwilduwan nu.
I'll give you your payment in four lots.
Egpusilen ku ka babuy te keep-atenen eyew egkagunsan.
I'll shoot the pig four times to kill it.
Eng. fourths, in; four parts, in; parts, in four; four times
OCM: Numeration (802)
DDP: Multiples (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egkeep-aten, egke:p-aten/egkahep-aten, patient, egkA><en-) to be divided into four parts or to be done four times
Ka sabeka ne suwilduwan nu egkeep-aten ku te egbehey.
I'll give you your payment in four lots.
Egkeep-aten ku te egpusil ka babuy eyew egkagunsan.
I'll shoot the pig four times to kill it.
Eng. four times; four parts
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone or something (egpeep-at, egpe:p-at/egpahep-at, agent, egpA-) to cause four things (egpeep-aten, egpe:p-aten/egpahep-aten, theme, egpA><en-) to exist or to happen
Egpeep-at e pad te anak ku wey a eggendiyè te Menila.
I'll wait until I have four children before I go to Manila.
Egpeep-at a te sukud te kumbalè ku.
You measured me for clothes four times.
Egpeep-at a te salual egpateyi.
I'm going to order four pairs of pants to be sewn.
Egpeep-aten ku pad ka manuk ku wey a egbehey keykew te beyin nu.
I'll wait until I have four chickens and then I'll give you your share.
Eng. four (make four)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 15/Jan/2011

Links to texts

"hep-at" in text "Batting"

"Hep-at" in text "Batting"

"hep-at" in text "Batting"

"hep-at" in text "Batting"

"hep-at" in text "Batting"

"Hep-at" in text "Long Ago I"

"hep-at" in text "Long Ago I"

Links to phrasebook

"Hep-at" in text "Senge lunggunan ne due me anak"

"hep-at" in text "Pegseel"

"hep-at" in text "Pegseel"

Links to health books

"hep-at" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"hep-at" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"hep-at" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"hep-at" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"hep-at" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

Link to Bible concordance
