Def.: pamanihusan
MS: pamanihusan
a very large open container which you put water in and sit in because you want to wash yourself.
Def.: eg-eeled ne pegpamanihus
MS: eg-eeled ne pegpamanihus
an action of sitting in a large, open container of water and washing yourself (have a bath).
It uses less water to have a shower than to have a bath.
Egpakahamit ka te de-deisek dè ne weyig ke eggamit ka te syawir du te eg-eeled ka.
Def.: eg-eleran wey ke eleranan (ne iling te weyig)
MS: eg-eleran;; eleranan
a liquid (e.g. a chemical) which you put something in.
In our science class, we soaked the coins in a bath of acid.
Te sayans ne klasi ney, ig-eled ney ka me sinsilyu diyè te eleranan ne asid.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1701-1725
Status: not yet fully checked
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012