Def.: egtalad
MS: egtalad
If you share something with someone, you give part of it to them.
He shared his lunch with me, because I didn't have any.
Migtalaran a nikandin te paniudtu rin, su warad iya keddì.
Def.: egpasaamuley
MS: egpasaamuley
If two or more people share something, they both/all use it.
My sisters and I share a bedroom.
Migpalemungey key rè te atebey ku te hibatanan ney ne sinabeng.
My sisters and I share a bike.
Sikeddì wey ka atebey ku ka kamuney te bayik.
Def.: egpekeg-iling
MS: egpekeg-iling
If two or more people share a characteristic, they are similar in that way.
My mother and father share a love of singing.
Ka iney wey amey ku nekeg-iling ne due geyinawa te pegkanta.
Def.: baad
MS: baad
A share of something is a part of it.
She gave me a share of the rice.
Imbehayan a nikandin te baad te hemey.
vt, vi.
Def.: egpangguhud
MS: egpangguhud
If you share something with someone, or share about something, you speak about it.
He shared his story with me.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0526-0550
Status: ready
Last updated: 25/Apr/2012