Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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pron, adv.
Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalag ki te timpu ne miglihad e wey egginguma pad.
You use then to talk about a time in the past or future.
I'm going to Quezon next Monday, so I'll buy some fruit then.
Eggendiya a te Kisun te seup ne Lunis, purisu egbebeli ad en iya te prutas.
I didn't know her then, but now we are good friends.
Wara a nekeila dengan kandin, piru kuntee amana key e ne alukuy.
Sem.Dom.: pronouns; adverbs

Def.: pegkeimpus; pegkapenga; nataman
MS: pegkeimpus; pegkapenga; nataman
You use then to talk about the thing that happens next.
I ate dinner and then I relaxed.
Miglabung a wey pegkeimpus miggimeley ad.

Def.: nè; na
MS: nè; na
You use then to connect something to another thing said before.
We know that we need to do something to fix the problem. What, then, is the best thing to do?
Nakataha ki ne keilangan ne due eggimuwen ta eyew te peg-ayad-ayad te prublima. Na, nekey naa ka meupiya ne eggimuwen ta?
A: I just lost my bag. B: Then why are you smiling?
Nalaag ka baag ku. B:Nè mania te eggimun-gimun ka?
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0051-0075

Def.: emun henduen pad (egkahamit seini ke eglalag ka meyitenged egpangkusan te minsan nekey ne egkeyitabù pad).
MS: emun henduen pad
You use if ... then to talk about the result of something that may happen.
If she forgets, then I will need to call her.
Emun ke egkalingew sikandin, ne henduen pad ne keilangan ne eg-umew a kandin.
Status: ready

Last updated: 10/May/2012