Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkeyitabù
MS: egkeyitabù
I don't know what happened; The tree just suddenly fell over.
Wara a nakataha te neyitabù; sahuhunè ne napeled ka kayu.

Def.: egkeukulan
MS: egkeukulan
You use happen to say that something is by chance, and is not planned.
I happened to meet him on the way to the shops.
Neukulan ne nasinug-ung ku sikandin te dalan peendiyè [pe͡endiyè] te tindaan [tinda͡an].
I happened to hear the news while I was at the shops.
Neukulan ne diya a te tindaan te nakarineg ku ka balita.
It happens that I know your friend too.
Egkeukulan ne egkeila ku degma ka alukuy nu.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012