Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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vi, vt.
Def.: egtimbak wey ke egpanè
MS: egtimbak
Def.: egpanè
If you shoot an animal or person, you send a bullet from a gun, or an arrow from a bow into their body.
He shot the pig with his gun.
Migtimbak din ka babuy te sinapang din.
Stop there or I'll shoot.

Def.: egpangimu te salida wey litratu
MS: egpangimu te salida wey litratu
If you shoot photographs or a film, you use a camera or video camera to record things.
They are shooting a movie in our town.

Def.: eggendiyè te nateil ne eggendiyaan te meiyal
MS: eggendiyè (te meiyal)
If someone or something shoots to a certain place or position, they move to that place or position very quickly.
The hungry dog shot to the kitchen when I called him.
Ka eggutasan ne asu iiyali ne miggendiye te kusina te peg-umew ku.

Def.: tubù; sugpang; subing
MS: tubù; sugpang; subing
a new part growing out of a plant.
This plant has many new shoots.
Irreg.  shot, shot.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0776-0800
Status: ready

Last updated: 08/Apr/2013