Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. red
1. Te naluhey-luhey, neetew e degma si Hisu Kristu ne kabuhalan ded ni Rut.
After a long time, Hisu Kristu was also born that was a descendant of Rut as well.
2. Ne iling te keupiya niyu kayi te keddiey wey diyè te me asawa niyu ne nammatey e, iling ded degma ka keupiya ne igpapitew te Magbebayè ne Manama due te kaniyu.
And like your(pl) goodness to me and to your(pl) deceased husbands, (may it) will be like also the goodness that will be shown to you(pl) by the Lord God.
3. Ne eyew man-e egkabuhal ded ka pamilya rin wey kenè egkalingawan te me karumaan dan, wey te me etew te seini ne inged.
And so that his family also will grow and won't be forgotten by their relatives, and by the people in this place. Now then, you(pl) are all the witnesses of this today.”
4. su eyew egpakaruma red ka ngaran ni Malun diyè te karatuan din.
so that Malun's name will be able to accompany his wealth.
5. si Hakub[gl] (ne egngaranan ded degma ki Israil)
Hakub[gl] (also called Israil)
6. Te nakaliplipereng e sikandin, in-angey e te Manama[gl] ka gusuk din wey impakimut din ded ka pali.
When he was deeply-asleep, God took his rib and he caused the wound to close up.
Te seeye ne timpu, warè ded nalingawi te Manama[gl] ensi Nuwi[gl] wey ka langun ne me mananap ne duma rin diyè te arka.
God did not forget Nuwi[gl] at that time or all the animals that accompanied him in the ark.
Piru migpabulus si Lut[gl] ka egginggat kandan. Nataman, nabennalan ded iya sikandan ne miggendiyad e te baley rin.
But Lut[gl] invited them strongly, so they consented and went to his house.
Ka Makpila sakup te Kanaan,[gl] wey marani seini te Mamri ne iyan ded ka Hibrun.
Makpila was under the jurisdiction or Kanaan,[gl] and this was near Mamri which is also the Hebron.
Ne minsan eg-apul sikandan ne egdumeen nu ka malitan, egpakaawe ke red iya man-e te impasaad ku keykew.’
And even if they refuse to let the woman come with you(sg), you(sg) will still be free from what you(sg) were caused to promise by me.’
Seini red si Ribika.
Here is Ribika.
Ne migkekali e man-e ka me suluhuanen ni Isaak[gl] te lein ne belun. Piru migpaap-apuley red man-e sikandan meyitenged te belun.
Now/Then the servants of Isaak[gl] dug another well. But they were again harassed by the locals.
Neyid-u red ka Manama[gl] keddiey
God has had pity on me
Eng. also; as well
Tag. XXX
Ceb. XXX
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 10/Jul/20010
Updated by: NJK,RJH
Last updated: 06/Nov/2015

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"ded" in text "Dreaming of being Rich"

"ded" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"ded" in text "Batting"

"ded" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"ded" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"ded" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"ded" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"ded" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"ded" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"ded" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"