Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/a-gayn, a-gen/
Def.: egkaabey; eg-abey
MS: egkaabey; eg-abey
If something happens again, it happens one more time.
The clothes fell on the ground, so she had to wash them again.
Ka me pini-pian neneulug te tanè, sika ka keilangan ne pipian din eg-abeyi.

Def.: eglibed
MS: eglibed
If someone or something goes to a place again, they return to that place.
She walked to the shop, and then went home again.
Miggendiyè sikandin te belegyaanan, wey pegkeimpus miglibed sikandin te baley.
I took the book off the table, and then put it back on the table again.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0151-0175

then again; but again
Def.: piru (timul ne lalag te newun-a ne inlalag)
MS: piru
You use then again to add something which is different from what you said before, or which limits what you said.
I was surprised at his words, but then again, he always surprised me.
Napetew a te me lalag din, piru layun e iya egpetawa nikandin.
Maybe you will like that food, but then again, maybe you'll hate it.
Kema ke igkeupii nu ka keenen, piru kema ke kenè nu igkeibeg.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012