Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: piru
MS: piru
You use but when two things are different, or when they don't fit together somehow.
My father likes dancing, but my mother doesn't (like it).
Ka amey ku egkeupian ne egsayew, piru ka iney ku kenè egkeupian.
He is old, but he is still very strong.
Sem.Dom.: conjunctions

Def.: warè labet; gawas (egkahamit seini ke due kenè ig-apil)
MS: warè labet; gawas
You use but to say that something is not included.
All but two of us rode the bus.
Ka langun gawas kanta te daruwa mig-untud te terak.
I have sold all but one of my puppies, and I plan to keep him.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; GSL0026-0050
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012