Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egdakesel, migdakesel/indakesel, agent, eg><ø-) to hold and push down something (igdakesel, indakesel, instrument, ig><ø-) on the ground or in a stiff area (egdakeselan, indakeselan/migdakeselan/pigdakeselan, location, eg><an-) (so that it would not move)
Ka egdakesel iyan ka egpahen wey egdasek te minsan nekey pariralem eyew egkatenes wey egpakadalapi. Eggamitan seini te keseg wey kanekal iling te pegpahen te babuy ne eggimatayan diyè te impeyibatan.
Migpabulihey sikandan ka egdakesel te bubu ne igteen dan su eyew egkatanled.
They press down the fish trap together so it will sink.
Igdakesel ku ka babuy ne eggilangen su eyew kenè egpakaweil.
I will press down the pig to be slaughter so that it can't move.
Eng. hold down; pin down; press down
OCM: Miscellaneous Hardware (414)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for an area (egkarakeselan, narakeselan, location, egkA><an-) to used to pressed down with something
Narakeselan a te me saku ne intiang ney ki Dadut gabii.
I was pressed down by the sacks that Dadot and I were carried yesterday.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(dakeselan, -an) a clipboard
Si Adan ka indakeselan te duma rin ne iyan kun migpanakew.
Adan was being blamed by his companion who steal something.
Eng. clipboard
OCM: Miscellaneous Hardware (414)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egdakesel, migdakesel/indakesel, agent, eg><ø-) to accuse someone else (igdakesel, indakesel, instrument, ig><ø-) or to force them into a difficult situation (egdakeselan, indakeselan/migdakeselan/pigdakeselan, location, eg><an-)
Indakeselan a nikandin te salè ne warè ku neyimu.
He accused me with a sin which I'd never committed.
Eng. accuse; blame; force into corner; corner
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (egpakarakesel, nakarakesel, agent, egpAkA-) to be very weak from sickness, often not able to get up or to eat
Egpakarakesel ki iya te dalu ke kenè ki egpabawi wey egbuyù te tabang te Manama.
We will become extremely sick when we are not going to a doctor and ask a guidance of the Lord.
Eng. extremely sick, be; sick, be very; very sick, be; unable to eat, be
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Data Qual: Which prefix does the -an associate with: the kA or the pA ??? maybe both???
(egkaparakeselan, egkA-pA–an) hope
O. Syn. egkaparahesdesan
Eglilimud ki te seleppì su eyew due egkaparahesdesan ta te timpu te bitil.
Data Qual: QDL doesn't know this word
We should save money so that we have something to hope for during famine.
Eng. hope
Ceb. paglaum
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 14/Dec/2009

Links to health books

"igdakesel" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"indakesel" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"dakesel" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"dakesel" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"egdakeseli" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"