Def.: egluwas
MS: egluwas
If you save a person or animal that is in a dangerous situation, you take them away from that situation, or do something so that they are not hurt.
He ran into the house and saved the child from the fire.
Def.: egsamè
MS: egsamè
If you save something, you keep it so that it can be used later.
Please save some food for me, because I will be home late.
Def.: egpakahamit te deisek; egkasamaan
MS: egpakahamit te deisek; egkasamaan
If you save something such as time or money, you use less of it.
If you take the short way, you will save 30 minutes.
Ke egpamantek ka, egkasamaan ke pad te me trayinta ne minutus.
Turn off the light to save power.
vt, vi.
Def.: eglilimud
MS: eglilimud
If you save something (e.g., money), you slowly collect it.
I'm saving for a horse, so I put a little money in a box every week.
Eglilimud a te seleppì eyew te kuddè, sika ka egtahù a te deisek ne seleppì diyè te kehun te tagsè simana.
Def.: egpakabulig eyew kenad keilangan ne eggimu te iling ded ne eggimuwen.
If something saves you doing something, it helps you so that you don't need to do that thing.
She gave me some eggs, and that saved me going to the shop to buy eggs.
Migbehayan a nikandin te atelug, wey kena ad keilangan ne eggendiyè te tindaan [tinda͡an] ka egbebeli te atelug.
Def.: eggeles wey ke egtahù te me kanengnengan diyè te kumpyutir
On a computer, if you save information, you cause the computer or a disk to keep that information.
I didn't save my work before I switched off the computer, so I lost it.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0676-0700; keyterms
Status: ready
Last updated: 31/Mar/2012