Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egtukù; egsinumag; egpesel
MS: egtukù; egsinumag; egpesel
If you push something, you use your weight or strength to make it move away from you.
She pushed the door with her shoulder.
Intukù din ka lekeb te pamanayen din.
She pushed the button and the door opened.
Migpesel din ka iglukat ne nalukatan e ka gumawan.
The car wouldn't start, so they needed to push it.

Def.: pegtukù; pegsinumag; pegpesel
MS: pegtukù; pegsinumag; pegpesel
an action of pushing (give something a push).
She gave the door a strong push.
Migtukù din ka lekeb hemhemeni.

Def.: eggeraman ne ka me etew egkeupian kayi wey eggimu
If you push something such as an idea, you try to cause people to want it or to do it.
The parents of the students are pushing for an extra teacher, because there are many students.
Ka me ginikanan eggeram ne eggimu ne ka iskuylaan [iskuyla͡an] egpakakuwa te iyam ne talagpanulù.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0876-0900
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Jun/2012