Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eglimud, miglimud, inlimud/piglimud, agent, eg><ø-) to gather up (eglimuren, patient, eg><en-) something (eglimuran, miglimuran, inlimuran/piglimuran, location, eg><an-) with something (iglimud, instrument, ig><ø-) to fixed
Ka seini iyan sika se eglibulungen nu ka sabeka ne kasangkapan wey ke egpunpunen nu.
Eglimud a te kayu ne ig-undul ku.
I will stoke trees for firewoods.
Eglimud a te me behas te kayaha ne kayu su egbaliehen ku.
I am going to collect some seeds of kayaha tree for my necklace.
Eglimuren ku pad seini se behas te kayaha ne kayu ne natalagtag.
I'm going to gather the seeds of kayaha tree which are scattered.
Eglimuren ku pad ka kayu ne igsungkaleg ney.
I will gather the logs for our posts.
Seini se limas ka iglimud ku te behas te kayaha ne natalagtag.
I will use a stick broom to gather the scatterd kayaha seeds.
cf. punpun
Eng. gather; collect; store up; pile up; stock up; consolidate; build up; rake embers; stoke
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(nalimud, nA-) together with; accompanied by
Ka kaluwasan te seini ne lalag iyan ka peglibulung wey ke pegpunpun te minsan nekey. Egkaayun degma seini ne eggamiten diyè te etew ne eg-amin-amin egmangipanew, egluyud wey eggipanew ka sabeka ne pamilya ne warè egkahaat diyè te baley.
Nalimud key ne talaari te miglihad ne Disimbri.
Last December, all members of our family gathered together.
Syn. amin
Eng. together with; accompanied by
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 11/Aug/2017