Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-iman-iman; perem; meupiya perem; eglaum
MS: eg-iman-iman; perem; meupiya perem; eglaum
If you hope that something will happen, or hope for something, you wish for it to happen. It may or may not happen.
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow.
Meupiya perem ke kenè eg-uran kaaselem.
The exam was not too difficult, so I hope I passed.
Wherever she is, I hope she is safe now.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: peg-iman-iman; peglaum
MS: peg-iman-iman; peglaum
a feeling of wishing for something good (which may or may not happen).
She told me about her hope of going to college.
Migkahiyan a nikandin meyitenged te peg-iman-iman din ne egpakakulihiyu.

Def.: egpallateng
MS: egpallateng
If you hope for something that will certainly happen, you wait for it.
Christians hope for the return of Jesus.
Ka me Kristuwanen egpallateng te peglibed ni Hisus.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: geramen te pegpallateng
MS: geramen te peg-iman-iman; geramen te pegpallateng; pegpallateng, geramen te
a good feeling because you are sure that something will happen in the future.
I miss him very much, but I know he will come next month, so I have hope.
Amana a naalimengawi kandin, piru nakataha a ne egginguma sikandin te seup ne bulan, sika ka eg-im-imanen ku.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0301-0325; keyterms
Status: ready

Last updated: 21/Jan/2013