Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. ubpè
for someone or something (eg-ugpè, mig-ugpè, agent, eg><ø-) to reside at a certain place (eg-ugpaan, in-ugpaan, location, eg><an-)
Wrd.Gloss: reside
Eg-alam a te meupiya ne inged ne eg-ugpaan ku.
I will choose a good place that I will live in.
Eng. reside; dwell; live; occupy; stay; inhabit
Tag. tumirá
Ilo.: na-ed
Tigwanon: ʔugpaʔ
Dibabawon: ʔugpaʔ
Cotabato Manobo: ʔugpaʔ
Sarangani: ʔogpaʔ
WBM: ʔubpaʔ
Ilianen: ʔubpaʔ
Obo: ʔubpaʔ
Proto: ʔugpaʔ
OCM: Residence (591)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: B
for someone (eg-uugpè, mig-uugpè, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to stay at home
Diya a eg-uugpè te salug su kenè ne mahirap ka serè diyè.
Eng. stay home
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(ugpaan, -an) dwelling
Maagsil kayi te ugpaan ney.
Eng. dwelling; residence; home; house
OCM: Residence (591)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(keugpè, kA-) situation
Meupiya ka keugpè ney su kenè key egkabitil.
Eng. situation
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(egkeugpaan, egkA><an-) habitable
Eng. habitable
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(impeugpaan, iN><an-pA-) a dwelling
Impeugpaan ku pad te
Eng. dwelling; house; home; building
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for an engaged male (egpangungugpè, eg-paN-rdpCV-?) to live with prospective parents-in-law prior to the wedding in order to get accustomed to each other
Cult. This is part of the agreement reached at the time of setting the bride price.
Eng. live together
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for a spirit (eg-ugpè, agent, eg><ø-) to live in something or someone (eg-ugpaan, location, eg><an-)
Ugpei nu su eyew manekal ne eggimu.
Live in him so that he will be a hard worker.
Eng. possess
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(ubpaan, -an) address
Eng. address
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for someone (eg-ubpè, mig-ubpè, in-ubpè, agent, eg><ø-) stay in a specific place (eg-ubpaan, in-ubpaan, mig-ubpaan/pig-ubpaan, location, eg><an-) with something
Eng. stay, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a person or animal (eg-uubpè, mig-uubpè/in-uubpè, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to keep on staying in a place (eg-uubpaan, in-uubpaan/miguubpaan/piguubpaan, location, eg><an-)
Eg-ubpè e pad kayi te me hep-at ne aldew su nabeley a te hipanew ta.
I will stay here with in four days because I am tired of our trip.
Eg-ubpaan ku pad ka inged ta ne Simud su taga-dini e ma.
I will stay at Sinuda the place where I came from.
Ig-ubpè ku pad ka dalu ku su kenad e egkakaya ne igleug-leug pad.
I should stay for my sick because I can't force myself to walk anymore.
Nekey ka puhawang nu, eg-uubpè ke pad kayi?
What is your plan, you will stay here for a few days?
Eg-uubpaan te uled ne mammiley sika ne bubungan sika ka kenè kew eghendutu.
Don't go to that mountain because that is a dwelling place of Diamond snake.
Eng. keep on staying; abide
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(keubpè, kA-) situation
Mamenu naan e ka keubpè niyu diyè?
How is your situation their.
Eng. situation
Ceb. kahimtang
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 22/Mar/2017

Links to phrasebook

"ugpe" in text "Pegpanumbaley diye te baley"

Links to health books

"ugpe" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"ugpe" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"ugpe" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

"ugpe" in healthbook "Migsistu si Wini"

"ugpe" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

Links to songbook

"Ugpe" in song "Hisus egdayanen ku"

"peg-ugpe" in song "Amana ne meupiya ka Magbebaye"

"igpeugpe" in song "Kene kew egkaalati"