Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egsuman-suman; egplanu
MS: egsuman-suman; egplanu
If you plan to do something, it is in your mind that you will do it, and you get ready for it.
I plan to leave tomorrow morning early.
Egsuman-suman a ne eggipanew te seselemi kaaselem.

Def.: egsumsumanen; egplanuwen
MS: egsumsumanen; egplanuwen
If you plan something that you are going to do, you think about how you will do it. If you plan something that you are going to make, you think about what it will look like, and what parts it will have.
Before you build a house, you should plan it.
Te kenè ke pad egbebaley, keilangan ne egplanuwen nu pad.
We planned our day in the morning.

Def.: puhawang; suman-suman; planu
MS: puhawang; suman-suman; planu
an idea of how you are going to do or make something (make a plan).
He showed me the plans for his house.
Impakita rin ka planu te egbalayen din.
I made a plan for my English essay before I started writing.
He told me about his plans for the day.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0176-0200
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012