Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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det, pron.
Def.: deisek dè; salimbeka rè (meyitenged te kasuluhan)
MS: deisek ; salimbeka
You use few with a count noun to talk about a small number of things. It has a negative feeling, because you are focusing on what is lacking.
He has few friends here in Sinuda, so he's lonely.
Deisek ka alukuy rin kayi te Simud, sika ka egkalangè sikandin.
a few
det, pron.
Def.: deisek ubag (meyitenged te kasuluhan)
MS: deisek ubag
You use a few with a count noun to talk about a small number of things. It has a positive feeling, as you are focusing on what is there.
He has a few friends here in Sinuda, so he's not lonely.
Duen ded ubag deisek ne alukuy rin kayi te Simud, sika ka kenè ded ubag egkalangè sikandin.
Sem.Dom.: determiners; pronouns; GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012