Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egtileng; egtileng-tileng
MS: egtileng; egtileng-tileng
If someone or something turns, they move so that they face in another direction, or move in a circle one or more times.
She turned around to see what the noise was.
The CD was turning quickly in the player.

Def.: egpatileng; egpatileng-tileng
MS: egpatileng; egpatileng-tileng
If you turn someone or something, you cause them to face in another direction or to move in circle.
He turned the handle of the door.

Def.: egbekad; egbalikid
MS: egbekad; egbalikid
If you turn something such as a page, you cause the other side of it to be on the top.
When you make banana-cue, you need to turn the bananas so that they don't burn.

Def.: egsuwey
MS: egsuwey
If you turn, you change the direction that you're moving in.
We turned left at the corner.

Def.: 1 pegtileng; 2 pegpatileng; 3 pegbekad; pegbalikid; 4 pegsuwey
MS: pegtileng; pegpatileng; pegbekad; pegbalikid; pegsuwey
an action of turning
Make a left turn

Def.: egpeendiyè; [egpe͡endiyè] egkeyimu; egkabaluy
MS: egpeendiyè; egkeyimu; egkabaluy
If something turns ADJECTIVE, or turns into something, it changes to become that thing.
The leaves of the dying tree turned yellow.
Ka me dewun te egpatey ne kayu egmemakalawag e.
The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.
Ka uled neyimu ne meupiyan kalibangbang.
I turned 17 on my last birthday.
Migsabeka ad ne pulù wey pitu te iyam ne miglihad ne aldew ne neetawa.

Def.: timpu
MS: timpu; turnu
Your turn is your chance or obligation to do something after others have done it.
My friend has finished using the computer, and now it's my turn.
Nekeimpus e ka alukuy ku ne miggamit te kumpyutir, ne kuntee keddiey e degma ne turnu.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0126-0150

in turn
Def.: Egkahamit nu seini te peglalag meyitenged te sabeka ne butang ne neyitabù pegkeimpus te sabeka, wey due kalabetan ne newun-a ne neyitabù.
You use in turn to talk about one thing which happens after another, and is connected to the first action
I explained the problem to her, and she in turn explained it to the others.
Impangguhud ku ka prublima, pegkeimpus sikandin e degma ka migpangguhud diyè te duma.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0126-0150
Status: ready

Last updated: 10/May/2012