Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: ulaula
MS: ulaula
the part of the body at the front of the head, which has the eyes, nose and mouth.

Def.: tangkaan
MS: tangkaan
the front of something such as a watch, a building, or a playing card.

Def.: egtangkè
MS: egtangkè
If someone or something faces in a particular direction, that is the direction which their front is pointing.
We faced east so that we could watch the sun rise.
Our house faces west.

Def.: egsalerep; igsalerep
MS: egsalerep; igsalerep
If you face something difficult, or something difficult faces you, you are going to experience that thing.
Many problems will face you in your life.
Masalig ne me prublima ne igsalerep te umul nu.
She is going to Cebu tomorrow, so she is facing a very long, boring bus ride.
Eggendiyè sikandin te Sibu kaaselem, su egsalerep sikandin te makapepela ne peg-untud te terak.

Def.: egdawaten wey kenè egpallahuyan
If you face something such as a problem, you agree that it is real, and you don't try to run away from it.
He needs to face the fact that he is getting old.
Keilangan ne egdawaten din ne buyag en iya sikandin.
She is afraid of buses, but she needs to face her fear and start catching the bus.

Def.: egpakiglalag, minsan pad malised
MS: egpakiglalag, minsan pad malised
If you face someone, you speak to them, even though it is very difficult.
It was very hard for the doctor to face the parents of the child who had died.

Def.: baad te keugpè ne egkakita
MS: baad te keugpè ne egkakita
the part of a situation or someone's life that you can see.
On the face of it, everything looks okay, but there are some big problems in the family.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0176-0200
Status: ready

Last updated: 21/Jan/2013