for someone (egsuwey, migsuwey/insuwey, suwey, agent, eg><ø-) to step aside or deviate (egsuwayan, insuwayan/migsuwayan/pigsuwayan, suwayi, location, eg><an-)
Masalig e ka me dalid ne egsuwey te imbugsu ku ne sahing.
There are many roots that stray from the banana that I was transplanted.
Eng. step aside; deviate; swerve; turn aside; veer; separate; split ways; go off course
Tag. tumabí; humábì
Ceb. molikay
Ilo.: agpaígid
OCM: Locomotion (481), Etiquette (576)
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Usage level: M
for someone (egsuwey, migsuwey/insuwey, suwey, agent, eg><ø-) to abuse as not following instruction
Kenè ka egsuwey te lalag te talagbawi.
Don't abuse the instruction of the doctor.
Eng. abuse, to
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Usage level: M
for someone or something (egsuwey, migsuwey/insuwey, suwey, agent, eg><ø-) to branch off (from the main road)
Kayi e rè egsuwey.
I'll just separate (from you). i.e., two people walking along, and one person says this as they reach the house of the other.
Eng. branch off; stray
OCM: Travel (484)
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Usage level: M
for two people or something (egpekegsuwey, nekegsuwey, agent, egpekeg-) to go in different directions; for a husband and wife to separate
Kenè egkaluhey ne egpekegsuwey kew ne alunggun su malasi kew ne egpekeg-ehet.
Soon you will be separated for always quarelling with each other.
Eng. different; directions; separate; divorce
DDP: Divorce (
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Usage level: M
for someone (egpegsuwey, migpegsuwey/migpegsuwey, agent, egpeg-) to separate (something) (egpegsuwayen, impegsuwey/migpegsuwey/pigpegsuwey, pegsuwey, patient, egpeg><en-)
Pegsuwayen kud e ka me anaken ku te egpeiskuwila su layun naan dè sikandan egmeg-ehetey.
I will put my nieces in separate school for they always quarel with one another.
Eng. separate
Tag. maghiwalay
OCM: Labor and Leisure (461)
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Usage level: M
for a person or animal (egmegsuwey-suwey, migmegsuwey-suwey/immegsuwey-suwey, agent, eg-meg-rdpRT-) to be separated by grouping (egmegsuwey-suweyen, immegsuwey-suwey/migmegsuwey-suwey, patient, eg-meg-rdpRT-en)
Eng. separated, to be (by grouping)
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Usage level: M
for a couple or a group (egpasuwayey, migpasuwayey/impasuwayey, agent, eg><ø-pA><ey-) to separate intentionally
Meupiya pad te sabeka ne alunggun ne egpasuwayey du te egpeglimungey ne layun dè egpeg-ehetey.
It is better for the couple to separate than to live together but always in trouble.
Eng. intentionally separation; separate
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Usage level: M
for someone or something (egpakasuwey, nakasuwey, agent, egpAkA-) to accidentally deviate from the (correct) way (igpakasuwey, impakasuwey, reason, igpAkA-)
Deisek naan dè iya ne egpakasuwey e perem ka hubug wey keulug e te kanal.
The drunk man is almost deviate and he might fall in the canal.
Eng. deviate; accidentally deviate; get lost; lost, get
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
Last updated: 26/Feb/2016
"egkasuwayan" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"