Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Var. round(2)
prep, adv.
Def.: palingut; te (meyitenged te lugar ke hendei); palibut
MS: palingut; te; palibut
If someone or something moves around something, they move in a circle with that thing in the middle.
The angry dog circled around the frightened children.
Ka mabulut ne asu miglingut-lingut te nenaaldek [nena͡aldek] ne me batè.
prep, adv.

Def.: nakalingut
MS: nakalingut
If things are around something, they are in a cirle so that the thing is in the middle.
We sat around the fire and talked.
Miglingut key migpinnuu te hapuy wey migpapangpangguhurey.
prep, adv.

Def.: egtabileng te nateil ne lugar
MS: egtabileng
If someone or something moves around a place, they move from point to point inside that place.
We walked around the market.
Migtabileng key miggiphipanew diyè te palingki.

Def.: egbagkeleng; egbalikid; egtileng
MS: egbagkeleng; egbalikid; egtileng
If someone or something turns around, they move in a circle one or more times.
She turned around when she heard the noise behind her.
Migbagkeleng sikandin te nakarineg sikandin te dahing diyè te peka rin.

Def.: me (alahè ne seel)
MS: me
approximately, not exactly.
There were around two hundred people at the concert.
Due me daruwa ne gatus ne etew diyè te kunsirt.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs; GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012