Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: aheteng ne kasabutan tali keykew wey te kumpanya ne ka kumpanya egtanggu te seleppì nu wey ke nigusyu
MS: kasabutan
a formal arrangement between you and a bank or company, in which the bank or company cares for your money or business.

Def.: kasabutan te pegsambey wey te pegbayad
MS: kasabutan
an arrangement between you and a shop, in which you can have things on credit and pay later.
Could you please put those things on my account.

Def.: tengtenganan (kasulatan, listaan [lista͡an], dukumintu), te me narawat, nabehey wey te keilangan ne egbayaran
MS: tengtenganan; kasulatan; listaan; dukumintu
a formal document which shows the money that you have received or given, or need to pay.
She checked the account to see how much she needed to pay.

Def.: sumpulan diyè te nateil ne nengnenganan te prugrama ne layun ka eggamit te inggamit nu ne ngaran wey paswurd (te kumpyutir)
the 'personal space' which you have on the internet, connected with a particular communication program (e.g. Yahoo or Facebook). You often need a username and password to use it.

Def.: guhuren
MS: guhuren
the story of something that happened (give an account of something).
She gave an interesting account of her trip to Luzon.

Def.: egguhud
MS: egguhud
If you account for something, you explain the reason for it.
I can't account for the sudden increase in crime; I have no idea why it's happened.
Kenè ku egkahuhud ka sahuhunè ne pegdakel te me kasu; warè puhawang ku ke mania te neyitabù seini.

Def.: nakatimul
MS: nakatimul
If something accounts for a certain part of something else, it is that part.
Children account for more than half of our group.
Ka me batè nakatimul te subla te katengè te grupu ney.
Overseas sales account for 70% of our profits.

Def.: egkatahaan [egkataha͡an] ke hendei
MS: egkatahaan ke hendei
If you account for people or things, you know where they are.
Don't worry, all of the lost children are now accounted for.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625

on account of
Def.: tenged te
MS: tenged te
If something happens on account of another thing, it happens because of that other thing.
I couldn't see well on account of the rain.
Kena a amana egpakakita tenged te uran.
He couldn't join the team, on account of his bad eyesight.
Status: ready

Last updated: 12/Mar/2013