Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: peutang
MS: peutang
a system in which you can get something now (on credit) and pay for it later.
I don't buy things on credit, because it is hard to pay for them later.
Kena a egkuwa te kasangkapan ne peutang, su malised ka pegbayad.

Def.: egseled ne seleppì
MS: egseled ne seleppì
an amount of money that comes into a business or a bank account.
This was a good month for our business because we received many credits.
Meupiya ne bulan kuntee te nigusyu ta su dakel ka migseled ne seleppì.

Def.: egbehey te sika ne karakelan wey egkahi te egkaayun ne egkahamit nu ne seleppì
If a bank or organization credits you with a certain amount, or credits a certain amount to you, they give you that amount, or say that you can use that amount.
Globe credited me with 100P worth of free texts.
Ka Glub migbehey keddì te sabekan gatus ne pisus ne tiks.
Globe credited 100P of free texts to my cellphone.
Migbehayan a te Globe te libri ne tiks te silpun ku.

Def.: seleppì ne igpahamit puun te kumpanya
an amount of money which an organization gives you, or says that you can use.
When I returned the shoes, the shop didn't refund my money. They just gave me a credit to get something else at the store.

Def.: egpalintutuu ne miggimu wey egpalintutuu ne due
MS: egpalintutuu
If you credit someone with some good action, you believe they did it. If you credit someone with an ability, you believe they have it.
Datu Gawilan is credited with saving the Matigsalug tribal land.
Si Datu Lorenzo Gawilan Sr. migpalintutuuwan ne migluwas wey ke migbulig te tanè te Matigsalug.
Of course I understand! please credit me with some intelligence.

Def.: pegdayan
MS: pegdayan
the praise that people give to someone for doing something good.
She should get a lot of credit for the good work that she did.

Def.: nakapasar
MS: nakapasar
If a school or college gives you credit for a subject, they say that you have passed in this subject, and do not need to study it again.
My new college gave me credit for a subject that I did at another college.

in credit
Def.: duen pad tahù ne seleppì
If a bank account is in credit, there is still money in it.
His bank account is in credit, because he always tries to put in more money than he takes out.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013