Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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det, n-ct, adj.
Def.: tengè; katengè
MS: tengè; katengè
one of two equal parts when you divide something into two
She ate half the pineapple, and gave the other half to her sister.
In-keen din ka tengè te pinya, wey imbehey rin ka katengè te suled din ne malitan.
Half of the group said 'yes', and half said 'no'.
Sem.Dom.: determiners
adv, adj.

Def.: naru-ruwa wey duwa-ruwa
MS: naru-ruwa; duwa-ruwa
You use half to say that something is partly the case, but not fully the case.
He invited them to join him, but he half hoped that they would say no.
Migginggat din sikandan ne egsabeka ran , piru mignaruwa-ruwa sikandin ne egkene-kenè sikandan.
He gave me a half smile, but I could see that he was not happy.
Kenè ku egkatahaan [egkataha͡an] ke nahalè naa sikandin, su duwa-ruwa ka pengisi rin keddì.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs
Pl. halves
Sem.Dom.: GSL0401-0425
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012