Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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according to
/a-kor-ding too/
adj + prep.
Def.: pinabayè te; sumalè te
MS: pinabayè te; sumalè te
If you do something according to customs or instructions, you follow those customs or instructions. If you behave according to a situation, you behave to fit the situation.
The bridegroom wore the tangkulu at his wedding, according to tradition.
Ka lukes ne egkasalen migsaluub te tangkulu sumalè te nabatasan.
adj + prep.

Def.: kahiyen ni; kahiyen te
MS: kahiyen
You use according to to say where you got some information.
According to my friend, there were about 30 people at the house.
Kahiyen te alukuy ku, due me tatelu ne pulù ne me etew diyè te baley.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0576-0600 - related
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012