Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for something (egkeyitabù, neyitabù, egkA><ø-) to happen to anyone or anything; misfortune or fortune
Ka neyitabù iyan ka minsan nekey ne egginguma wey egkatamanan, mareet ma wey ke meupiya naa.
Mareet ka neyitabù kanami te migpamanihus diyè te dahat.
Bad things happened to us when we bathed at the ocean.
Nekey buwa ka neyitabù kuntee ki Kawanan diyè te bawianan su nabalikid sikandin te mutur din?
What is now happening to Kawanan in hospital who was crashed with his motorcycle?
Eng. situation; incident; event; happening; occur; befall; result
Tag. nangyari
Ceb. nahitabu
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Last updated: 17/Feb/2015

Links to health books

"egkeyitabu" in healthbook "Mania te keilangan neg lu-luan ta ka me belad ta?"

"neyitabu" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"keyitabu" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"egkeyitabu" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"keyitabu" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"