Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kalinew wey kasabutan (meyitenged te me etew wey ke grupu)
MS: kalinew; kasabutan
peace and agreement between people or groups.
There is accord between all of the committee members.

Def.: egpekeg-uyun; nekeg-uyun; egpekegduma
MS: egpekeg-uyun; nekeg-uyun; egpekegduma
If an idea or action accords with something else, it agrees or fits with that other thing.
My father and I often argue, because my ideas do not accord with his ideas.
Layun key egpekeg-apul te amey ku, su ka puhawang ku kenè egpekeg-uyun te kandin ne puhawang.

Def.: kasabutan taliwarè te grupu wey ke nasud (iling te pegpeengked te gubut)
MS: kasabutan
a formal agreement between groups or countries (e.g., to stop a war).

Def.: egbehey
MS: egbehey
If people accord someone something (e.g., a certain title), they give the person that thing. (used in formal language).
The group accorded him a warm welcome.
Ka grupu migbehey te meinit ne peg-elit-elit kandin.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0576-0600

of one's own accord
Def.: eg-uney-uney; warè migsuhù
MS: eg-uney-uney; warè migsuhù
If someone or something does something of their own accord, they do it themselves, and other people don't need to make them do it.
Her son washed the clothes of his own accord, without her telling him to do it.
Mig-uney-uney ka se anak din ne lukes migpami-pi te me kumbalè din, ne warè migsuhù kandin.
This light has a timer, so it turns off of its own accord after one hour.
Seini ne sulù due urasan, sika ka eg-uney-uney seini egkeebuki ke egsabeke e ne uras.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012