Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-impus; eg-angayen; egkuen ka eg-umeen; eg-uma
MS: eg-impus; eg-angayen; egkuen ka eg-umeen; eg-uma
If you accomplish a goal or task, you finish it successfully.
She accomplished her goal of becoming a nurse.
In-angey rin ka igkeupii rin ne egkeyimu ne talagpangabang te duktur.
Sem.Dom.: extra
Def.: peg-impus; peg-angey; pegkuwa; peg-uma
MS: peg-impus; peg-angey; pegkuwa; peg-uma
the action of accomplishing a goal or task.
The accomplishment of goals can take many years.
Def.: naangey; nakuwa; neuma
MS: naangey; nakuwa; neuma
something good which you accomplish.
Winning that race was an accomplishment which he is proud of.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012