Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, adv.
Def.: aween; warad e
MS: aween; warad e
If something is off another thing, it is not attached to that thing and that thing is not supporting it any more.
The cup was on the chair, but I moved it, so now it's off the chair.
Ka ubab su diyè te pinnuuwan, piru mig-awè ku seini, su kuntee warad seini diyè te pinnuuwan.
Please take your cup off the chair.
Palihug awaa nu ka pakawan nu due te pinnuuwan.

Def.: paawè
MS: paawè
If someone moves off, they move away from the place where they were.
He walked off.
Miggipanew sikandin paawè.

Def.: nekegdani; nekegdulug
MS: nekegdani; nekegdulug
If a place is off another place, it is near or beside that other place.
The island is just off the coast.
Ka isla nekegdani te ilis te dahat.

Def.: migpeeneng-eneng
MS: migpeeneng-eneng
If someone is off something (e.g. medicine), they have stopped using it.
The doctor took me off painkillers.
Ka duktur migpapeeneng-eneng e ka egbehey keddì te delemetan.

Def.: eggimeley; warè himu
MS: eggimeley; warè himu
If someone has time off work or study, they don't do their work or study.
I had a week off college because I was sick.
Due simana ne miggimeley a te kulihiyu su migderalu a.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs

Def.: kenè eggimu (meyitenged te mekina); kenè eg-andar
MS: kenè eggimu; kenè eg-andar
If equipment such as the radio is off, it is not active.
The radio is off.
Ka radyu warè mig-andar.
Please turn off the radio.

Def.: mareet e (meyitenged te keenen ne daan)
MS: mareet e
If food such as meat is off, it is bad because it is too old.
We need to throw away this meat, because it is off.
Keilangan ne igdegpak tad seini se karni, su mareet e.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013