Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkabundul; eglampes; egbundul
MS: egkabundul; eglampes; egbundul
If you strike someone or something, you hit them.
He was struck by a car when he was crossing the road.
Nabundul sikandin te terak te peglapas din te kelesadda.
He struck the animal on the back.
Miglampesan din ka ayam diyè te peka.
The ball struck the wall.

Def.: egpakasungkul
MS: egpakasungkul
If you strike one thing on another thing, you hit it on that other thing.
He struck his head on the shelf when he stood up.
Nakasungkul ka ulu rin te marku te pegsasindeg din.
vi, vt.

Def.: egsalerep; egsaharal
MS: egsalerep; egsaharal
If something bad (e.g. a typhoon) strikes a group or area, it happens to that group or in that area.
A typhoon struck our town last week.
Insalerep ka lungsud ney te baggiyu seeyè se miglihad ne simana.

Def.: sahuhunè ne egkasuman-suman
MS: egkasuman-suman
If it strikes you that something is the case, you suddenly think of that thing.
It suddenly struck her that she should go home.
Sahuhunè ne nasuman-suman din ne keilangan ne eg-uli din te baley.

Def.: egkatahaan nu su egpakabagget wey egpakatekew keykew
MS: egkatahaan su egpakabagget
If something strikes you, you notice it because it is interesting or surprising.
I was struck by how clean the street was.
Natekkew a amana te kalinis te kelesadda.

Def.: egsanggel te himu te nateil ne timpu su warè nahalè te minsan nekey.
If workers strike, they stop work for a certain period of time because they are not happy about something such as their pay.

Def.: pegpasanggel te himu
MS: pegpasanggel te himu
a period when workers stop working because they are not happy about something.
I couldn't travel that day because there was a bus drivers' strike.
Kena a egpekeyipanew te sika ne aldew su due pegpasanggel te himu te me drayibir.

Def.: eg-awè te lalag ne nasulat diyè te sinulat
If you strike or strike out words from a piece of writing, you remove them.
The list of guests was too long, so she struck some names off it.
Ka listaan [lista͡an] te me bisita amana ne lalayati, sika ka impangawè din ka duma te listaan [lista͡an].
Irreg.  struck, stricken (sense 3)/fb:struck.