Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: peka
MS: peka
The back of a person or animal is the part of the body which is on the other side from the chest and stomach. The back of a thing is on the other side from the first or the most important side.
He carried his younger brother on his back.
Migbaba rin ka hari rin.
I didn't see the writing on the back of the paper.

Def.: ledled
MS: ledled
The back of something such as a room or building is the area which is far from the front.
The owner went to the back of the store.
Miggendiyè ka kamuney te ledled te tindaan [tinda͡an].

Def.: peisues
MS: peisues
If you move back, you move in the opposite direction from the way you are facing.
She moved back from the fire, because it was very hot.
Mig-isues sikandin puun te hapuy, su amanan iiniti.

Def.: eglibed; eg-ulì
MS: eglibed; eg-ulì
If someone or something comes or goes back to a place or state, they return to that place or state.
Vacation is finished, so we have come back to school.
Neimpusan e ka bakasiyun, sika ka miglibed key e te peg-iskuyla ney.

Def.: egbales
MS: egbales
If you do something back to someone, you do it to them because they did something to you first.
The boy called to his sister, and she called back to him.
Ka lukes ne batè mig-umew rin ka atebey rin, wey ka atebey rin mig-umew migbales diyè te kandin.

Def.: egpalenged
MS: egpalenged
If you back a team or player in a competition, you want that team to win, and may bet money.
Which team are you backing?
Hendei ka ne grupu egpalenged?
Sem.Dom.: GSL0076-0100
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012