Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone or something (egpekeuma, nekeuma, agent, egpAkA-) to arrive or reach somewhere (egkeumaan, egkeuma:n, neumaan, neuma:n, location, egkA><an-)
Eng. arrive; come; reach; extend
Tag. dumatíng
Ceb. muabot
Ilo.: sumángpet
OCM: Travel (484)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F

for someone (eg-uma, mig-uma/in-uma, agent, eg><ø-) to reach or achieve something (eg-umeen, in-uma/mig-uma/pig-uma, patient, eg><en-)
Eng. reach; achieve
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(eg-umeen, eg-ume:n, eg><en-) goals
Eng. goals; mission; aims
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egkeumaan, egkeumaan, neumaan, neumaan, egkA><an-) to be reached
Eng. reached
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(neuma, nA-) caught
Eng. caught
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for the specific place (eg-umeen, eg-ume:n, theme, eg><en-) to be a harvest time of any plantation
Ka eg-umeen iyan ka egbehasan, egkeyinuhan wey egkatesan e ne me pinamula wey meupiya ka egkalimud ne behas te pinamula.
Seini te sinundul ne bulan eg-umeen a te paley ne impangulilang ku.
Next month I will harvest the ripe grains from the rice which I planted directly after the previous harvest.
Eg-umeen te aheley ka me biseye ne usig ne egmammula.
The visayan who love to plant are ready to harvest a corn.
Ne eg-umeen key e degma ka matig-Salug te tahasalug.
We who live at Salug are ready to harvest tahasalug (lit. from Salug) rice.
Eng. harvest
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for something (eg-uma, mig-uma/in-uma, agent, eg><ø-) to exist (e.g., insect pest or disease)
Eng. exist
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for something (egkeumaan, egkeumaan, neumaan, neumaan, egkA><an-) to happen in the future
Eng. future event; event
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone with a familiar spirit (eg-umaan, eg-uma:n, mig-umaan, mig-uma:n/in-umaan, in-uma:n, location, eg><an-) to be entered or controlled by a spirit (tumanud) and thus to prophesy in a trance
Eng. entered, to be; controlled, to be; possessed, to be; spirit possessed, to be; prophesy; foretell; trance, to enter
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for the spirit (eg-uma-uma, mig-uma-uma/in-uma-uma, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to be rarely entered and controlled by someone (eg-uma-umaan, eg-uma-uma:n, in-uma-umaan, in-uma-uma:n/mig-uma-umaan, mig-uma-uma:n/pig-uma-umaan, pig-uma-uma:n, patient, eg><an-rdpRT-)
Eng. entered, entered to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egpalingguma, migpalingguma/impalingguma, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to be approaching to arrive soon in a place (egpalinggumaan, egpalingguma:n, impalinggumaan/migpalinggumaan/pigpalinggumaan, location, eg><an-paN-)
Ka egpalinggumaan iyan ka mahaan e egginguma te eggingumaan.
Egpalingguma ad e perem diyè te Dabaw ka egsundul ki Amè, ne, nasinug-ung kud e.
I was about to get in Davao following Dad, but we came across on the way.
Egsundulen kud e perem ka hari ku te egpalinggumaan bes en iya.
I decided to go after my younger sibling but he/she is approaching.
Ew, egpalinggumaan ke bes e, kahiyen ku ne mariyu ke pad!
Oh, you are already near, I thought you are still at afar.
Eng. coming; arrive; near; approaching
Tag. papalapit
Ceb. moabotay
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for someone (egpeuma, migpeuma/impeuma, agent, eg><ø-pA-) to send a messge or information (igpeuma, impeuma, theme, igpA-) somewhere or to someone else (egpeumaan, egpeuma:n, impeumaan, impeuma:n/migpeumaan, migpeuma:n/pigpeumaan, pigpeuma:n, location, eg><an-pA-)
Eng. send, to (message or information)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 29/Jul/2014

Links to texts

"Pekeuma" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"Pekeuma" in text "Dreaming of being Rich"

"pekeuma" in text "Preparing Ground Corn"

"Pekeuma" in text "Proving Innocence II (When Accused of Adultery)"

"egkeuma" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"Pekeuma" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

"Pekeuma" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

Links to health books

"pegkeuma" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"keuma" in healthbook "Egbuween wey egnguwehen si Lukas"

"egpekeuma" in healthbook "Egbuween wey egnguwehen si Lukas"

"Pegkeuma" in healthbook "Natibbas te ugpit ka paa ni Biltu"

"keumaan" in healthbook "Naluwasan si Iwayan"

Links to songbook

"keumaan" in song "Sikeddi miggimu rin"