prep, adv.
Def.: egbayè; eglihad
MS: egbayè; eglihad
If something moves across another thing, it moves from one side of that thing to the other side.
He walked across the room to the blackboard.
Miglihad sikandin ka miggipanew te klasiyanan peendiyè te sulatanan.
prep, adv.
Def.: talipag te; deyipag te
MS: talipag te; deyipag te
If something is across something else such as a river, it is on the other side of it.
Her house is across the road from my house.
Ka baley rin talipag te kelesadda puun te baley ku.
prep, adv.
Def.: nakabantal; nakabalabag; nekeelet
MS: nakabantal; nakabalabag; nekeelet
If something is across something else, it stretches from one side of that thing to the other side.
There was writing across the blackboard.
Due insulat ne nakabalabag te sulatanan.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs; GSL0401-0425
Status: ready
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012