Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkeumaan [egkeuma͡an]
MS: egkeumaan
If you reach a place, you arrive there.
After walking for three hours, we finally reached the village.

Def.: egkasinagkew
MS: egkasinagkew
If you can reach something, it is close enough so that you can touch or get it
The ball is high in the tree, so we can't reach it.
vi, vt(+prep).

Def.: eg-umeen [eg-ume͡en]
MS: eg-umeen
If you reach for something that is not close to you, you move your arm to get that thing.
His cup was on the other side of the table, so he reached across the table to get it.

Def.: egkeumaan [egkeuma͡an]
MS: egkeumaan
how far someone or something can move to touch something.
That water is hot. Keep it out of the reach of the child.
Meinit ka weyig. Itahù nu seini ne kenè egkeumaan te batè.
It's good to live on higher ground, because it is out of the reach of flood waters.

Def.: egpekeuma; egkataman
MS: egpekeuma; egkataman
If something reaches a certain place or level, it goes as far as that place or level.
The water is not deep: it only reaches my knees.
Mababew ka weyig: kayi taman te buel ku.
The population of the Barangay has reached 20,000.

Def.: egpekeglalag
MS: egpekeglalag
If you reach someone, you are able to communicate with them, or give them a message.
I tried calling their cellphone, but I couldn't reach them.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0301-0325
Status: ready

Last updated: 29/Jun/2012