Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for fruit (egkeyinuhan, neyinuhan, neyinuhi, theme, egkA><an-) to become ripe
Mahaan e egkeyinuhan ka sahing ku.
It takes short time that the banana will be ripen.
Neyinuhan e ka sahing ne inggeles ku.
The banana that I hided is already ripe.
Neyinuhan e ka sahing ne inlebeng ku diyè te sampad te kamet ku.
The banana that I buried on the top of my field is already ripe.
Warè pad neyinuhi.
Not yet ripe.
Eng. ripen; mature, to; ready to eat
Tag. hinóg
Ceb. hinog
Ilo.: naluóm
OCM: Ethnobotany (824)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
adj.Picture of meyinug
(meyinug, mA1-) ripe
Meyinug e ka beyabas ne imbukusan ku te silupin.
The guava which I wrapped in a plastic bag is already ripe.
Kenè egkeilaan ne meyinug e ka sahing su meilem pad.
The color green banana cannot recognize that it's ripe.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 12/Apr/2018