Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpariyù
MS: egpariyù
If someone or something moves away from a place or thing, they move so they are not in that place or near that thing.
He moved away from me.
Migpariyù sikandin keddiey.
adv, adj.

Def.: mariyù
MS: mariyù
If someone or something is away from a place or thing, they are not in that place or near that thing.
He's lonely because he's away from home.
Egkalangè sikandin su mariyù sikandin te inged din.

Def.: iglibed igtahù te tahuanan
MS: iglibed igtahù
If you put something away, you put it in the place where you usually put it.
Put away your clean clothes, don't leave them on your bed.
Itahù nu ilibed ka me kumbalè nu te tahuanan, kenè nu engkeri diyè te hibatanan nu.

Def.: egpabulus-bulus
MS: egpabulus-bulus
You use away after a verb to show that something continues to happen for a long time.
He worked away on the computer.
Migpabulus-bulus sikandin migtrabahu diyè te kumpyutir.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0226-0250
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012