Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egdegpak
MS: egdegpak
If you throw something, you use your hand and arm to make it fly through the air.
He threw the ball to his friend.
Migdegpak din ka bula diyè te alukuy rin.

Def.: pegdegpak
MS: pegdegpak
an action of throwing.
That was a good throw, because the ball went very far.
Meupiya seeyè ne pegdegpak, su ka bula mariyù ka nabayaan.

Def.: egpakaparegpak
MS: egpakaparegpak
If something throws another thing, it causes that thing to fly through the air.
When the motorbike hit the tree, it threw the rider into the air.
Te ka mutur nakabangga te kayu, nakaparegpak seini te nanguntud.

Def.: egpakalayag wey ke egpakaralung
MS: egpakalayag; egpakaralung
If something throws a light or shadow on something, it causes that light or shadow to be on something.
The sun threw a warm light on the mountains.
Ka aldew nakapalayag te iiniti diyè te bubungan.
The candles threw long shadows on the walls of our house.

Def.: egweil te baad ne lawa te sisiyapati eyew te nateil ne pegkatahù
If you throw a part of your body into a position, you move it very quickly into that position.
She threw her head back to look at the airplane.
Miglingi sikandin te sisiyapati eyew te pegtengteng te eriplanu.

Def.: iiyali wey ke sisiyapati ne egpekepeyimu te nateil ne sitwasyun
If a situation or action throws people or places into a particular state, it quickly causes them to be in that state.
The news threw everyone into panic.
Ka balita iiyali ne nakapasasew te tagsè sabeka ne etew.
Irreg.  threw, thrown.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0676-0700
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012