Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(matubung, mA1-) to have plenty of food
Ka matubung iyan ka minsan hentew ne dakel se egkasalsalihan ne katuenan, kalaglahan, keuyahan, karatuan wey duma pad. Kenè ne keenen ka egkaayunan kayi ne lalag su masulug degma.
Matubung naan iya ka seini ne etew su ka langun-langun iya ne diyad te kandin.
This man is abundant because everything is in him.
Minsan egkaayu-ayu ka seini ne etew piru matubung degma te meupiya ne batasan wey katuenan.
Even this man is poor but he is rich also with good characteristics and knowledge.
Amana kew iya ne matubung kayi su warad egpammitawen ta.
You are abundant of everything because nothing more to seek.
Kahiyen pa iya te me Biseyè ne matubung kun ka me Matigsalug te kapandayan, kultura, batasanen wey katelesan.
The Visayan people say that the Matigsalugs are rich with talents, culture, tradition and beauty.
Eng. plenty; abundant; abundance; flourishing; abundance of anything; well equipped; well-off; prosperous; wealthy; rich
Ceb. abunda
Tag. mayaman
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for the people (egmatubung, agent, eg><ø-mA1-) to have plenty of food
Cult. This time usually begins around August.
Ant. egkabitillacking food
Ka me etew ne warè pinamula, nangendiyè te Balensiya su matubung ka me etew diyè te pegkeen.
The plantless people will go to Balensiya for the people there have plenty of food.
Keilangan ne egpamula ki kuntee su eyew egmatubung ki te egkakeen.
We need to plant this time so that we will have abundant food.
Minsan menuwen ta te egpangasak meyitenged te keuyahan, piru ke kenè ki egbasuk, kenè ki iya egmatubung.
Even we are talking much about livelihood, but if we’ll not work hard, we won’t have abundance.
Eng. flourish; prosper; plenty of food; plentiful food; have plenty; abundant food; abundance; food abundance; good food supply
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 21/Oct/2016