Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person or animal (egkeuyag, neuyag, agent, egkA><ø-) to be alive and live again
Neuyag ded sikandin.
He was revived.
Eng. alive; living
Tag. buháy
Ceb. búhì
Ilo.: nabiág
OCM: Life and Death (761)
DDP: Living things (1.4)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a person or animal (eg-uyag, mig-uyag/in-uyag, uyag, agent, eg><ø-) to take care someone or something (eg-uyahen, in-uyag/mig-uyag/pig-uyag, uyagi, patient, eg><en-)
Eng. take care, to
OCM: Life and Death (761)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

(keuyahan, kA><an-) food supply
Dakel ne keuyahan ney sikan naa ka kenè key egkabitil.
We have food supply that's why we don't have hungriness.
Eng. food supply
OCM: Gratification and Control of Hunger (261)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (esp. parents) (eg-uyag, mig-uyag/in-uyag, uyag, agent, eg><ø-) to provide for so as to keep others (esp. their children) (eg-uyahen, in-uyag/mig-uyag/pig-uyag, uyagga, patient, eg><en-) alive
Eng. keep alive; provide for; bring up
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a person or animal (eg-uy-uyagen, in-uyag-uyag/mig-uyag-uyag/pig-uyag-uyag, agent, eg><en-rdpCVC-) to recover from an illness and then get sick again
Cult. used especially of older people
Eng. recover and get sick
DDP: Sick (2.5.1), Recover from sickness (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(talagpanguyag, talag-paN-) the man who make the dead to live again
Talagpanguyag si Hisus te me minatey.
Jesus is the make the dead to live again.
Eng. make the dead to live again
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(panguyag, paN-) action of making the dead to live again
Eng. action of making the dead to live again
Tag. tagapagligtás
Ceb. manluluwas
Ilo.: mannangisalákan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 12/Feb/2010

Links to health books

"egkeuyag" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"keuyahan" in healthbook "Egbuween wey egnguwehen si Lukas"

"neuyag" in healthbook "Mig-inum teg gilu si Marina"

Links to songbook

"neuyag" in song "Panugtuli a ki Hisus"

"keuyahan" in song "Legpad ku ne langun"

"keuyahan" in song "Geyinawa te Manama"

"neuyag" in song "Dasiha key"

"neuyag" in song "Egluwas si Hisus"