Def.: egpakabulig wey egpakabehey te kanekal te pegpabulus
If something (e.g., food, hope) sustains you, it gives you the ability to continue.
Our breakfast was not enough to sustain us through the morning, and we were hungry again by 9am.
Ka inlem-ag ney kenè ne eleg ne egpakabehey te kanekal te langun ne maselem, wey te me alas nuwibi inggutasan key e man-e.
We have enough money to sustain us for one month.
The hope of winning the race sustained me, so I kept running even though I was very tired.
Def.: egpabulus
MS: egpabulus
If you sustain something, you cause it to continue for some time.
He is very shy, so it is difficult to sustain a conversation with him.
Amana sikandin ne hiilawen [hi͡ilawen], sika ka malised ne egpabulus egpakiglalag kandin.
He ran very fast at the beginning of the long race, but he couldn't sustain that speed because he got tired.
Def.: egpekeula-ula
MS: egpekeula-ula
If you sustain something bad such as an injury or loss, you experience that thing.
He sustained a broken leg in the accident.
Nekeula-ula sikandin te pegkahepù te paa rin te aksidinti.
They sustained a lot of damage to their house in the flood.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Def.: kenè egpakarereet ka mapabulusen ne pegderereet te minsan nekey
If an action of using something is sustainable, it does not hurt that thing, so it can continue for some time.
It is not sustainable to destroy old forests to make paper.
Egpakarereet ka mapabulus ne pegdereet te daan e ne katalunan ne eggimuwen ne pepil.
Status: ready
Last updated: 12/Apr/2012